We’re always looking for ways to promote generosity at our house, especially when it comes to money.
About 15 years ago, we began dropping our spare change into a tin canister that once held a watch.
Before we knew it, we had more than enough change to help a young woman raising support for full-time ministry. Hopefully, it was a blessing to her, but it certainly was a blessing to us.
Since the beginning, we’ve collected hundreds of dollars, and we decide as a family who or what to support.
We also keep a record of every donation we make. Nothing fancy, just a piece of scrap paper with a few scribbles as to the amount given and where it went.
It’s been fun to look at through the years, and it’s always an encouragement that a little change can go a long way.
Want to read the whole story? Click here for the full piece at our To Sow A Seed blog.