Coffee. At our house, its not just a ritual, it’s a necessity. And while it was once enough just to buy that 12-ounce bag of coffee, now we find ourselves purchasing the 3-pound bags at Costco.
No more is it just the parents sipping a cup in the morning. These days of being a “straddle family” means as many as six people in the house are drinking coffee. And the chaos that brings in our small kitchen is just that: chaos.
But these days will pass, and the little inconveniences such as making sure you’ve made enough coffee will disappear.
What’s morning coffee like in your house? Share below with a comment. For more on why the chaos of coffee is a blessing, click here.
We love coffee here. My oldest boy almost daily loves me by getting up, grinding the coffee, starting the coffee maker, pouring and serving me my coffee. Then he gets his own and sometimes my 16 y.o. gets herself a cup. And following a wonderful example, sometimes my youngest, age 8, tries to do what she sees older brother doing as an act of love. She doesn’t drink it though, lol.